Saturday, October 18, 2014

Been sick

Not so many posts lately, I know.  Got pneumonia, so I'm taking things slowly for awhile. I've got a lot of great cigars  waiting to be tasted and reviewed, so I'm hoping it won't be too long until you get to read those.

I was the first person to mention the Swisher / Drew Estate pending acquisition, and look what I've stirred up.  Just wow!  I suppose I didn't expect it to go down like that because I just assumed the press release would have gone out shortly after I mentioned it on BOTL.  JD himself was apparently irritated by it, and for that, I'm sorry.  My source is a very reliable member of the industry, and I still believe he knows what he's talking about.

My question remains unanswered even in speculation:  what does this mean to the Liga Privada brands?

10/20/14 UPDATE:
A few good links:
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